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SCUNV informal group status report to WP.29
Document WP.29-190-27
21 June 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.2. | Safer and cleaner used and new vehicles for low- and middle-income countries

135. The Chair of the IWG on SCUNV reported to WP.29 on the work of IWG at its sixth session, held on 14 April 2023 (WP.29-190-27). He updated the group on the current activities of the IWG, including the acceptance of the draft programme of work, the formulation of a task force dedicated to the drafting documentation for the export/import inspection. He also highlighted the future plans for the IWG, identifying the activities planned for 2023.

136. The Chair of the IWG on SCUNV also presented the updated proposed timeline of the group for the next few years.

137. The representative of the United States of America clarified that WP.29-190-27 included some of the ideas and principles that the IWG on SCUNV would discuss further at the next meeting taking place on the next day, 23 June 2023, and that they were not yet agreed on.

138. The secretariat clarified upon request of the representative of the United States of America that the UNECE publication on Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa, was an output document of the project funded by the Road Safety Fund. He also highlighted that the publication was shared with the delegations for comment prior to the publication.(see informal document WP.29-187-17).

139. The representative of the United States of America noted that for providing a complete picture, the IWG should review this publication and take on board input that will be provided from their side.

140. The representative of Canada supported the statements made by the delegation of the United States of America and noted that there are some lessons to be learned from North America. He also noted that he missed the opportunity to comment on the published document and advised that he also supported the idea to utilise the IWG on SCUNV to review the documents and address the possible gaps in a comprehensive manner.

141. The representative of OICA noted the need to clarify the aims and goals of the group since, depending on these, the ways and means to reach them are different. The 1997 Agreement and its Rules provide a framework for used vehicles; on the other hand, the 1958 and 1998 Agreements cover requirements for new vehicles. He also recalled the OICA Manifesto on Global Road Safety which contains, among others, recommended minimum requirements for new vehicles especially in low-income countries on the basis of these Agreements as well as of other equivalent regulatory regimes.

142. The Chair of the IWG noted that the Terms of Reference of the group were already approved and that the group was working according to it. He encouraged wide participation and asked for input from all regions in order to accelerate the pace.

143. The representative from KABA echoed the comments from South Africa and recalled the reasons for the involvement of WP.29 in this process. He also encourages all countries to share information on their regulations.

145. The Chair of WP.29 encouraged the group to continue their activities.

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