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Proposal for GRPE contribution to ITC climate-change mitigation strategy
Document GRPE-89-39
2 June 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. Report on the last session of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)

13. The secretariat introduced GPRE-89-39 on draft ideas to be considered as part of the inputs to the ITC climate change mitigation strategy, that could serve as a basis for further reflection.

14. The representative of the US wondered if fuel economy considerations should also include energy efficiency for other types of powertrains. The secretariat confirmed indeed energy efficiency would be a more appropriate term.

15. The Chair proposed the creation of a GRPE informal task force on ITC climate change mitigation strategy and invited stakeholders to inform the secretariat about their willingness to contribute and participate. GRPE agreed to the creation of such task force to deliver on the ITC requests to contribute to the ITC climate mitigation strategy.

16. The representative of IMMA stated their commitment to contribute to the new task force proposed by the Chair. He hoped that the ambitious strategy document would include an explanation of the realities in the different regions with a technology neutral and multi-pathway approach towards carbon neutrality. The multi pathway approach should support progressive improvements and ensure affordability of the decarbonization strategies.

17. The Chair briefly explained the next steps and the planning of the GRPE informal task force on ITC climate change mitigation strategy and informed GRPE would have the chance to comment of the draft proposal from the task force over a written procedure to be launched before the summer break.

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