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Reducing Emissions from Cooling Units in Road Transport
Document GRPE-89-13
24 May 2023
Submitted by Netherlands
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) UN Regulations Nos. 96 and 120

50. The representative of the Netherlands introduced GRPE-89-13 on the topic of PM emissions from cooling units on refrigerated vehicles and asked input and information from the GRPE and request the possibility to start an IWG to develop a new Regulation. The Chair informed GRPE the topic of cooling units was already on the GRPE emission topics list (GRPE-87-55) and welcomed concrete activities on the issue.

51. The representative of the UK informed GRPE some testing activities were on-going in the country with first phase to be concluded in Summer 2023.

52. The representative of OICA opened the topic to also think about refrigerated vehicles that have no separate cooling unit, for which some excess emissions might be justifiable, and added more evidence would be needed to fully capture the scale of the issue. He recognized covering the topic with such broader view was beyond the scope of the proposal introduced by the Netherlands and invited GRPE to also reflect on the topic.

53. The representative of India highlighted India was looking at the emission of such engines, sometimes also used for other purposes. He welcomed the initiative of the Netherlands and mentioned his willingness to stay informed about any forthcoming activities.

54. The Chair invited GRPE to start thinking about the creation of a dedicated informal working group on the topic in order to prepare proposal to limit harmful emissions from such engines.

Relates to Cooling Unit Emissions | UN R120 |