Proposal to clarify the figures of Annex 5 – Appendix 2 and reintroduce legends which had been removed in series 2 of amendments
24. The expert from France introduced GRSP-73-44 and GRSP-73-45, to amend respectively the 04 and 05 series of amendments, to clarify the figures of Annex 5, Appendix 2 and to reintroduce legends which had been removed from the 02 Series of Amendments to the UN Regulation. GRSP adopted both proposals, as reproduced in annex VI to the session report, and requested the secretariat to submit GRSP-73-44 as draft Supplement 3 to the 04 Series of amendments, and GRSP-73-45 as draft Supplement 4 to the 05 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 95 for consideration and vote at the November 2023 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.
WP.29/2023/116 |