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Status report from the STCBC informal group
Document GRSG-125-18
23 March 2023
Submitted by Spain
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. | Amendments to Regulations on Buses and Coaches: UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)

3. The expert from Germany, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on Safer Transport of Children in Buses and Coaches (IWG-STCBC), introduced a presentation (GRSG-125-18) on the work progress of the IWG. He confirmed that the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) would consider at its May 2023 session a proposal of new UN Regulation prepared by IWG-STCBC on existing systems used in passenger cars. He added that in the first phase of this UN Regulation, IWG favoured built-in Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and Enhanced CRS that were type approved according to UN Regulation No. 129 (ECRS). In the meantime, he confirmed that the second phase of the UN Regulation would entail CRS in combination with two-points safety belts. He added that two issues for GRSG should be considered by experts when adapting UN Regulation No. 107: a) bus seats equipped with built-in CRS to be approved according to the new UN Regulation and b) emergency windows adapted to children as bus users. He, therefore, stated that proposals were expected at future GRSG sessions on the above-mentioned issues, and he sought guidance from GRSG. The expert from Spain suggested that in the future buses would be designed to transport children and that the current mandate of the IWG is to adapt the current fleet of buses. The expert from the United Kingdom suggested that practicability of access of an emergency exit should be considered and in case of removable CRS, this should be dealt by the bus operator. GRSG noted that the mandate of IWG-STCBC would expire in March 2024. Therefore, it was recommended that IWG should start to revise the terms of reference (ToR) of the group to start Phase 2 of the IWG without discontinuation of its work. The expert from Germany stated that a ToR would probably be proposed for the GRSP May 2023 session for adoption, and would be sent to the GRSG October 2023 session for further adoption GRSG last. Finally, GRSG endorsed this approach.

Relates to UN R170 |