Information concerning ways to address the interests of law enforcement in being able to determine whether a vehicle is being operated by an ADS relative to the enforcement of laws regarding activities permitted to a driver (or conversely, permitted to the occupant of a driver’s seat while the vehicle is under ADS operation).
38. The expert from ITU presented GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 on the identification of the status of a vehicle with ADS, based on radio communication, as an alternative to the light-signalling option currently reviewed by the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling. He recalled the discussions at the IWG on FRAV and IGEAD workshop (see para. 31 above), which indicated that an external light signal would not be the preferred option, at this stage, to identify the status of a vehicle with ADS.
39. GRVA agreed to transmit GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 to the IWG on ITS, so that this can be considered under the activities related to vehicular communications.