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UN R0: IWVTA IWG Response to GRSP on issues related to Transitional Provisions
Document GRSP-72-07/Rev.1
8 December 2022

Comments by the expert of Japan (Ambassador of IWVTA to GRSP) concerning the interpretation of the acceptance of type approvals to the preceding series of amendments (singular or plural) to be mentioned in transitional provisions of UN Regulations in general.

Submitted by Japan
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
24. (b) UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

56. The expert from Japan, Ambassador of IWVTA, informed GRSP that the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 0 had been adopted at the November 2022 session of WP.29. He added that this new series reflected the latest series of amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 100, 94, 95 and 137, which had entered into force in June 2021. He also informed GRSP that the question-and-answer document on Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement and IWVTA had been posted on the WP.29 website on the page dedicated to the 1958 Agreement. GRSP also noted the response of IWVTA-IWG in GRSP-72-07-Rev.1 on the interpretation of the preceding series of amendments (singular or plural) mentioned in the transitional provisions of UN Regulations. The expert from OICA suggested that the interpretation laid out in the document was intended to be general and was to be applied with flexibility in specific cases. Finally, GRSP agreed to provide feedback to the expert from Japan on GRSP-72-07-Rev.1 by the end of January 2023.

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