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GRVA Recommendations on ADS External Light-Signalling
Document WP.29-188-10
3 November 2022
Status: Informal WP.29 review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

18. The Chair of GRVA introduced the inventory of best Automated Driving Systems (ADS) storage practices titled “Review of the national / regional activities and a proposed way forward for DSSAD” (WP.29-188-06), GRVA recommendations on ADS external light-signalling (WP.29-188-10) and the amendment proposal to the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles (FDAV) (WP.29-188-12). WP.29 endorsed these documents and requested the secretariat to distribute WP.29-188-06 (unchanged) and WP.29-188-12 (amending the mandate extension of the IWG on Cyber Security and Over the Air (CS/OTA) issues to November 2024), with official symbols at the next WP.29 session.

4. (e) Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

38. The expert from the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV, introduced GRVA-14-15. He explained (a) that the IWG did not recommend mandatory requirements for additional light-signalling devices under WP.29 beyond those requirements established for manually driven vehicles, (b) that the IWG believed existing light-signalling devices may be suitable (if permitted) to signal initiation of an automated fallback response designed to place the ADS vehicle in a minimal risk condition, (c) that the IWG recommended the establishment of uniform provisions for a light signal to communicate the operational status of the ADS, if fitted on an ADS vehicle and under certain conditions to serve the purpose of countries that may wish to mandate such light-signal, (d) that the IWG noted that means other than light-signalling may be suitable to achieve safety needs, and (e) that the IWG recommended continued monitoring of research into ADS signalling and the safety of interactions between other road users and ADS vehicle.

39. GRVA reviewed the document in detail, which received comments from the experts from Canada, France, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America as well as from AAPC, ITU, OICA and SAE International. The secretariat produced revised versions of the document reflecting the input received during the session. GRVA noted OICA’s concern with the approach of leaving the choice to mandate, allow or forbid such light signal for ADS to Countries or States (in the case of federal countries). GRVA adopted GRVA-14-15/Rev.3 (GRVA recommendations on ADS external light-signalling) and requested the secretariat to submit it to AC.2 and WP.29 for consideration at their November 2022 sessions.

40. The Secretary presented GRVA-14-44, providing information on the involvement of the GRVA Chair and Secretary at the session of WP.1, that took place during the week before the fourteenth session of GRVA. He explained that WP.1 was informed of the content in GRVA-14-15 on light-signalling for ADS, that WP.1 discussed signalling for ADS vehicles (also on the basis of an informal document that was submitted by the expert from the Netherlands), that the WP.1 Chair recalled the invitation to GRVA for a public joint event, possibly during ITC and that the contracting parties present at WP.1 expressed the interest to have an exchange (workshop) involving the GRVA IWG on FRAV and the WP.1 IGEAD. He drew the attention of GRVA to WP.1 documents (on Human Factors, on draft WP.1 resolution on activities other than driving), also posted on the GRVA webpage for convenience.

41. The expert from Canada welcomed the interaction with WP.1; he suggested that discussions on activities of common interest should also be conducted at WP.29 level, he mentioned his involvement in a WP.1 activity on human factor under agenda item 3 (d) (1), by chairing a panel discussion on human factor. He did not favour a public joint event with WP.1. He suggested to resume the work on taxonomy, definitions and lexicon (initiated a few years before COVID-19).

42. The expert from OICA described the two kinds of events discussed by WP.1. He mentioned on the one side the invitation of WP.1 Chair to GRVA for a communication exercise and on the other side the WP.1 decision for a workshop co-organized by IWG on FRAV and IGEAD, serving the purpose of sharing information, avoiding double work or repetitions, identifying items of common interest and avoiding slowing down the work. He confirmed the information provided by the secretariat in GRVA 14-44 and stated the industry’s need for harmonized traffic rules to avoid the fragmentation of rules, that would have to be added in ADS algorithms.

43. The expert from Canada recalled the nature of IGEAD, an informal group of interested parties. He stated that any discussion would need to be brought back to WP.1 and that such repetition would be beneficial.

44. GRVA noted that the collaboration should not impact the respective internal processes. GRVA invited the Chair to report to AC.2 and WP.29 on informal exchanges between the GRVA IWG on FRAV and the WP.1 IGEAD.

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