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UN R66: Proposal for amendments
Document GRSG-124-28
11 October 2022

Proposal to allow additional checks in terms of passive safety on the national level (for example, destruction of seats mounts, injury-causing objects entering the residual space and moving within it, operability of the emergency hatches).

Submitted by Russia
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. UN Regulation No. 66 (Strength of superstructure (buses))

16. GRSG noted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2023/2, tabled by the expert from the Russian Federation. The expert from Japan did not support the proposal because of lack of consistency with the principle of mutual recognition of type approvals of the 1958 Agreement. For similar reasons, the proposal also did not receive the support of the experts from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom and EC. Finally, GRSG did not support the proposal. On suggestion of the GRSG Chair, it was agreed to resume consideration on a possible new proposal tabled by the expert from the Russian Federation and to remove this item from the agenda of the October 2023 session of GRSG.

5. UN Regulation No. 66 (Strength of superstructure (buses))

17. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSG-124-28 on the assessment of escape hatch operability according to the national requirements of the contracting parties. The experts from Germany, Italy, the Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom expressed study reservations to understand the consequences of the proposal. GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its March 2023 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSG-124-28 with an official symbol at that session.

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