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Regulatory activities related to Automated Driving - View from Industry
Document GRSG-124-17
10 October 2022
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
16. | Exchange of Views on Vehicle Automation

35. The experts of CLEPA and OICA introduced GRSG-124-17, expressing the views of industry on the need for new categories for autonomous vehicles. The expert from OICA express the need of legal certainty to identify whether new vehicle categories should be created or by considering the different use case in the individual system regulations. The expert from the Netherlands on behalf of the Task Force on Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening (TF AVRS), introduced the TF status report (GRSG-124-33). GRSG agreed to resume discussion at its March 2023 session and invited the Chair of TF AVRS to meet with the Chairs of TFs of other Working Parties to find a coordinated approach to screen the regulations covered by GRSG. At the same time the secretariat was requested to establish a TF wiki page on the website of GRSG.

Relates to Automated Driving |