63. The expert from the Japanese National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory presented GRVA-14-46, reporting on the outcome of workshops on the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155. He recalled the purpose of these workshops, gathering Type Approval Authorities and Technical Services nominated by the contracting parties of the 1958 Agreement. He explained that the outstanding issue discussed by the group was the conditions for acceptance of foreign cyber security management system certificates in the contexts of multi-brand projects and multi-stage type approval. GRVA noted that the workshop activities would come to an end soon and discussed the potential need for similar activities related to UN Regulation No. 156 and software update management systems. GRVA welcomed the report received and noted that the work could result in an amendment proposal to the interpretation document for UN Regulation No. 155 or draft amendments to UN Regulations that could be reviewed by IWG on CS/OTA before submission to GRVA.