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Automated driving systems regulatory roadmap
Document WP.29-187-24
21 June 2022
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

35. The representative of OICA presented document WP.29-187-24, Automated Driving Road Map – Main messages from GRVA-13-18, which highlighted the aim of the industry to have a certification scheme for ADS to support the automated driving deployment.

36. The representative of the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV noted that the group requested to GRVA an extension of the mandate of the IWG until 2024, however, it was not envisioned that the group would engage in rule-making activities at the end of this mandate as requested by OICA. He highlighted that the documents produced during this mandated period would not be mature enough to be converted into a legal document.

37. The representative from Canada, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD supported the statements of the Co-Chair of FRAV and expressed concerns related to the requirement to produce a regulation within the timeframe suggested by the industry. Further, he reiterated the importance of conducting the work with agreement neutrality (deliverables can be used for the purpose of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements).

38. The representative of France queried whether the industry was looking for the legal framework to cover ADS as it relates to a specific type of vehicle (Passenger versus Freight or Heavy versus Light vehicles).

39. The representative of the Netherlands, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD agreed with the need for regulation but also expressed that there was more work to be done. He explained that his country would prefer to gather more experience through tests and trials before engaging in such activities.

40. The representative of OICA, noted that from the industry perspective, and as agreed at GRVA in May 2022, the extension of the FRAV and VMAD mandates would involve work being done in the first year to finish the global requirements and then the second year would be putting this work into practice through a UN Global Technical Regulation or a UN Regulation. He also noted that the views of all types of vehicles manufacturers were represented in the presentation. and therefore, their request was not limited to a certain category of vehicles.

41. The representative of CLEPA, co-author of the document WP.29-187-24, noted that their concern was not only the items mentioned but also that certain regions initiated legislative activities; and this proposal would support global harmonization.

42. The representative of OICA confirmed the targeted date end of the year 2025 which from his perspective would be realistic. He stated that the pace of the IWGs on FRAV and VMAD should not be the limiting factor for the introduction of ADS on the market.

43. WP.29 agreed to extend the mandates of FRAV and VMAD by two years.

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