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Automated driving safety data protocol – Ethical and legal considerations of continual monitoring
Document GRVA-13-34
2 December 2021
Submitted by ITU
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (f) Other business

43. The expert from ISO provided copies of two of their standards (GRVA-13-07 as well as GRVA-13-11, GRVA-13-12, GRVA-13-13 and GRVA-13-14 submitted under agenda item 5(c)) at the request of some GRVA delegates. GRVA thanked ISO for this effort in keeping GRVA up to date, regarding their activities.

44. The expert from ITU, Chair of the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence for Assisted and Automated Driving, presented the status of the activities of the group. He presented the report on automated driving safety data protocol – ethical and legal considerations of continual monitoring (GRVA-13-34). GRVA welcomed the update provided and recalled that the status report of the IWG on VMAD included the information concerning the collaboration between the Focus Group and the Subgroup 3 of the IWG on VMAD. The expert from OICA noted the section of the report on the interpretation of Art. 34 bis of the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road traffic, which argues that this new Art. 34 bis could lead to undesirable outcomes and would influence the expectations one might have concerning automated vehicles. The expert from OICA clarified that their members had a different view on this topic. The expert from ITU clarified that the interpretation of Art. 34 bis was not an ITU position but the view of the focus group meeting participants.

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