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UN R134: Presentation on practical issues
Document GRSP-71-18
6 May 2022
Submitted by Netherlands
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
21. (g) | UN Regulation No. 134 (HFCV)

46. The expert from the Netherlands gave a presentation (GRSP-71-18) to introduce a future proposal of amendments to UN Regulation No. 134, considering the background of UN Regulations Nos. 12, 94 and 95 to have a consistent approach in all crash test configurations. He added that all UN Regulations on vehicle impact concern vehicle categories M1 and N1 against a passenger car (M1) and are not intended to cover the impact of a truck or bus against another vehicle. Impact tests were not required for N2, N3, M2 and M3 category of vehicles. The expert from OICA further proposed to establish a task force to align UN Regulation No. 134 with UN GTR No. 13, Phase 2. GRSP agreed to establish the task force with the Netherlands as coordinator and OICA (Ms. A. Schuessling, contact) as secretariat, which would start transposing UN GTR No. 13, Phase 2 into UN Regulation No. 134. Participants would include the experts from France, Japan, EC, CLEPA and other stakeholders for the time being. The task force would be expected to encompass GRSP-71-12 into the solutions provided for the issues highlighted in GRSP-71-18 and submit at least an informal document to the December 2022 session of GRSP.

Relates to UN R134 |