Proposal to introduce the use of all of the direction-indicator lamps in case the presence of an unattended child is detected inside the passenger compartment.
19. GRE took note of GRE-86-16 submitted by the expert of OICA on using direction indicators to warn about unattended children left in cars. GRE was informed about the plans of the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) to include detection of such children into its assessment programme as of 2025. GRE noted that this issue was under consideration by the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) and that the Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP) was starting a discussion on using the vehicle horn (UN Regulation No. 28) for the same purpose. GRE agreed that the frequency and pattern of the flashing of direction indicators need to be defined and invited all experts to send their ideas to OICA, with the aim to prepare a revised proposal for the next session. Given the involvement of various Working Parties, GRE held the view that coordination at the WP.29 and/or AC.2 would be necessary and requested the Chair to raise this topic at the June 2022 meetings of these bodies. GRE also pointed out that, until a coordinated and harmonized approach had been developed, it would be premature to include the relevant requirement into the car assessment programme. GRE invited its experts to convey this message to Euro NCAP.