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GRPE Low- Zero-tailpipe emissions Heavy Duty Vehicles workshop
Document GRPE-83-34
16 June 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
14. | Priority topics for GRPE activities

66. The Vice-Chair introduced GRPE-83-34 as notes from the “low- and zero-tailpipe emissions Heavy duty vehicles and associated regulatory needs” workshop held by GRPE during the GRPE week.

67. The representative from OICA thanked the secretariat for organizing the workshop and clarified there are on-going discussions at OICA on amending UN Regulation No. 49 to include hydrogen as a fuel for internal combustion engines.

68. The representative from the US, chair of the IWG on EVE, agreed considering heavy duty in the activities related to in-vehicle battery durability would be highly relevant.

Relates to GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 | UN R49 | UN R85 | UN R96 | UN R168 |