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Updated listing of GRPE priorities
Document GRPE-83-35
16 June 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) UN Global Technical Regulations Nos. 15 and 19
3. (c) Worldwide harmonized Real Driving Emissions test procedure
7. Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)
9. (a) UN GTR No. 21 and draft GTR on in-vehicle battery durability
11. International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)
14. Priority topics for GRPE activities

69. The Chair introduced GRPE-83-35 as revised list of priorities to be shared with WP.29. The representative from the EC called for prior consultation within GRPE before including new element in the priority list.

70. The representative from Japan stated that carbon neutrality was now a crucial issue in the country and required the issue of life cycle analysis to be considered by GRPE as candidate to be included in the priority list, as was already the case in the GRPE emission items list (GRPE-80-04-Rev.1). the Chair agreed to consider this at the next session of GRPE in November 2021.

Relates to GTR No. 15 | GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 | Heavy-duty Hybrids (HDH) | NEPE | PMP | UN R49 | UN R83 | UN R168 |