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Report to the 184th WP.29 session from the 41st IWG on DETA meeting
Document WP.29-184-14
21 June 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.3. | Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

89. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-184-14) the report to the World Forum related to the use of DETA and also updating WP.29 on the work of the IWG at its forty-first session, held on 14 June 2021. He laid out the current state of play, noting the number of approvals uploaded as well as the geographical distribution of their origin. He underlined that Germany was able to continue hosting DETA until a long-term solution for its hosting, potentially at UNECE, is finalized, recalling the discussion at the March 2021 session of WP.29 about scheduling an AC.2 level meeting on the financing of DETA. He further noted activities of the IWG related to Contracting and implementation of Unique Identifier (UI) / Declaration of Conformance (DoC), Two factor authentication and Mass Upload Functionality, noting the intention of the IWG on DETA to present the UI summary documents to all WP.29 GRs. He requested WP.29 to consider extending the mandate of the IWG on DETA for a further two years. He also introduced a preliminary proposal for amendments to of the UI guidelines (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/77) for consideration of WP.29.

90. The representative of CITA welcomed the aim of the IWG on DETA to present UI summary documents to all WP.29 GRs, and inquired whether the IWG on PTI could also benefit from the presentation. The Chair of the IWG on DETA confirmed that the IWG on PTI would be included in the activity.

91. The secretariat updated the World Forum on the status of activities related to the financing of DETA and hosting it at the UNECE, noting the proposal of United States of America, reflected in the Programme of Work of the World Forum (page 2, item g.), to extend the scope of DETA to address needs of 1998 Agreement Contracting Parties (CPs). The secretariat further expanded on this proposal noting the potential development of DETA towards addressing 1997 Agreement CPs as well. In closing, the secretariat thanked Germany for hosting DETA and for its willingness to continue hosting until a permanent solution is established.

92. The World Forum welcomed the initiatives to expand the scope of DETA to address the needs of CPs to the 1998 and 1997 Agreements. WP.29 also supported the proposal to hold a meeting of interesting parties at AC.2 level to discuss DETA financing, inviting the secretariat to convene it in coordination with interested stakeholders.

93. WP.29 granted the extension of mandate of the IWG on DETA until June 2023. The World Forum invited the IWG on DETA to develop a document containing the proposal for amending the UI guidelines (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/77) and submit it to at its upcoming session.

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