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Status report of the EVE informal group
Document GRPE-81-32
11 June 2020
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. (b) Other activities of IWG on EVE

51. The Chair of IWG on EVE presented the status report introducing the latest activities of the group (GRPE-81-32). He detailed the latest activities with respect to in-vehicle battery durability. He reminded GRPE that WP.29/AC.3 was expected to grant authorization to develop a new UN GTR on the topic during their June 2020 sessions.

52. He underlined the ambitious timeline agreed for the development of this new UN GTR and explained that given existing circumstances and the necessity to hold virtual meetings to make progress, the IWG decided to meet monthly at least until the end of 2020. He also stressed that the activities gained a lot of attention from various stakeholders and invited any interested parties to join the regulatory elaboration work.

53. The Chair of the IWG on EVE finally briefly updated GRPE on the method for stating energy consumption and the collaboration with the Energy Division of UNECE and its Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (GEEE).

54. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by IWG on EVE and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2021.

Relates to Electric Vehicles & the Environment | GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 |