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UN R79: Proposal for a Supplement to the 03 series of amendments
Document GRVA/2020/24
8 July 2020

Proposal to permit the manufacturer to specify its own formula for the calculation of scritical. The current formula does not take the dynamic behaviour of vehicles into account and therefore requires gaps that under some traffic conditions don’t usually occur. Since there are different ways of addressing the dynamic behaviour of the vehicles with regard to the original formula, this proposal would allow the manufacturer to specify its own formula provided the safety principle is maintained.

Submitted by Germany
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) Automatically Commanded Steering Function

39. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/22, amended by GRVA-07-20 with proposed amendments to the provisions on ACSF of Category C. He explained that GRVA-07-20 also incorporated GRVA-07-15, GRVA-07-16 and GRVA-07-19. He withdrew GRVA-07-18. The expert from AVERE supported the OICA proposal. GRVA-07-29 superseded by GRVA-07-32. GRVA had remained divided on such amendments since its fourth session.

40. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/24 amending para. The expert from the Netherlands provided comments. GRVA invited the experts from Germany and the Netherlands to collaborate on a revised proposal. The expert from UK insisted on the need to review the lane change related provisions.

6. (d) Other business concerning UN R79
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