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Road surface labeling: Feedback from GRBP experts
Document GRBP-70-11
4 September 2019
Submitted by Russia
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

23. The expert from the Russian Federation reported on the feedback from GRBP experts on the Draft Resolution on Road Surface Labelling (GRBP-70-11). He indicated that replies had been received from Austria, Finland, France, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. According to the expert, the main conclusions of the survey were as follows:

  • The Draft Resolution on Road Surface Labelling (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/2) in many aspects does not seem suitable for international implementation;
  • There was not much interest expressed to pursue the issue of grading and labelling road surfaces in the framework of GRBP;
  • GRBP and WP.29 do not seem to be appropriate fora to consider this issue, as it is currently out of their scope;
  • The issue should be communicated to the European Committee for Standardization (its technical committee CEN/TC 227) and/or to the relevant ISO technical committee, if available.

24. GRBP agreed to the above conclusions and requested its Chair to bring them to the attention of WP.29.

10. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

28. The expert from the Netherlands presented a revised draft Resolution on Road Surface Labelling (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2019/2) and requested that it should be published as a reference document on the GRB website. GRB was also informed that WP.29, at its November 2018 session, had encouraged GRB to consult the road construction industry, to continue work on the draft Resolution and to report back to WP.29 in due course (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1142, para. 69). The Vice-Chair proposed to solicit views on the document of the national road authorities. To this end, GRB invited all experts to consult their national road administrations and send feedback to the Vice-Chair who volunteered to consolidate the replies and report back to GRB at its next session.

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