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Proposal for Terms of Reference for the IWG on ITS
Document WP.29-178-28
26 June 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

32. On behalf of Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, the representative of the United Kingdom introduced WP.29-178-28, containing the revised ToR for IWG on ITS.

33. In response to a question of the secretariat, WP.29 confirmed that ToR were not meant to restrict or provide guidance on the communication and reporting work of the WP.29 secretariat with ECE bodies or other stakeholders.

34. WP.29 was grateful that the ECE secretariat would undertake the secretariat for IWG on ITS, given the meeting frequency and location, and adopted the ToR.

Relates to Automated Driving | ITS |