Proposal to update the text of UN R100, particularly in line with GTR 20 on electric vehicle safety.
30. The experts from the Netherlands and OICA introduced GRSP-65-33-Rev.1 (superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.297GRSP/2019/3) which proposed functional safety requirements that focused on other categories of vehicles other than M1. The expert from the United States of America reminded GRSP that harmonization shall be kept when UN GTR No. 20 was transposed into UN Regulation No. 100. GRSP agreed to distribute GRSP-65-33-Rev.1 with an official symbol to the December 2019 session of GRSP, awaiting a proposal of amendments that align UN Regulation No. 100 to UN GTR No. 20.
31. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSP-65-07, proposing further improvement of functional safety requirements. The expert from Japan suggested that this extensive revision of safety requirements should be handed over to the IWG on UN GTR No. 20, Phase 2 to be compared or aligned with their ongoing work on the UN GTR. GRSP agreed with the proposal of Japan and to refer it to IWG UN GTR No. 20, Phase 2 and, to resume discussion at its December 2019 session.