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UN R26: Comments on document GRSG/2019/11
Document GRSG-116-34
1 April 2019
Submitted by CLEPA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. UN Regulation No. 26 (External projections of passenger cars)

14. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/11 that clarifies the requirements on windscreen wipers with a simple generic drawing of the concerned areas. The expert from the United Kingdom did not support the proposal due to further requirements which had been added. The expert from CLEPA presented GRSG-116-34 which showed that more than fifty per cent of vehicle types would be impacted by the amendments proposed by France. He suggested that the proposal could be a new series of amendments with transitional provisions. The expert from OICA questioned the need for this amendment and sought further evidence, such as accidentology data.

15. GRSG agreed to resume discussions at its next session based on a revised official document. The Chair invited the experts from France, CLEPA and OICA to submit in due time a joint proposal for a new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 26, including transitional provisions and exemptions, if necessary.

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