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Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Efficiency workshop highlights
Document GRPE-78-15
9 January 2019
Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (c) | Heavy duty vehicles: Worldwide provisions for Heavy Duty vehicles Fuel Economy

31. The expert from OICA introduced GRPE-78-15 and summarized the workshop on the harmonization of heavy duty fuel economy measurements held by OICA earlier during the GRPE week. He thanked the secretariat for the assistance in organizing the event. He highlighted the high level of interest shown by all parties involved in the workshop.

32. The Chair encouraged GRPE to start activities in this topic. He suggested a follow-up workshop in January 2020 to gauge progress. The expert from OICA confirmed activities on this topic is of high priority to them, and he confirmed his willingness to organize such a workshop prior to the January 2020 session of GRPE.

Relates to HD Fuel Efficiency Measurement |