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UN R24: Proposal for amendments
Document GRPE-78-07
8 January 2019

Proposal to expand the scope of UN R24 to include Category T vehicles (agricultural and forestry tractors).

Submitted by Russia
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. | UN Regulations Nos. 85, 115, 133 and 143

36. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRPE-78-07 on a proposal to extend the scope of UN Regulation No. 24 to agricultural vehicles of Category T. The expert from EC stated that vehicles of Category T were covered by UN Regulations No. 96 and 120 instead of UN Regulation No. 24. The representatives from Italy, UK, EC and EUROMOT expressed positions against the proposal. GRPE rejected the adoption of GRPE-78-07.

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