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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Applying UN Vehicle Regulations for Road Safety
Document WP.29-176-13
9 November 2018

Presentation of a study to introduce and demonstrate methodologies that are available and used by governments and other vehicle sector stakeholders to project the economic utility of applying UN Vehicle Regulations that have been identified in a series of strategic documents, such as the Global Plan for the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety, as key for the improvement of national road safety performance.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.5. | Safer vehicles as the third pillar of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety

146. The secretariat reported on actions taken in the framework of the responsibilities of the World Forum on the third pillar “Safer vehicles” (WP.29-176-06).

147. The secretariat presented WP.29-176-13 introducing the objective and draft content of the proposed publication on "Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of Applying United Nations Vehicle Regulations for Road Safety ".

148. The representative of Malaysia expressed support for the initiative of the secretariat to develop the publication. The representative offered to share the Malaysia Automotive Institute’s experience and to prepare CBA reports as support to this activity of the secretariat.

149. The World Forum supported this activity of the secretariat as a useful tool to develop future regulatory initiatives in the framework of the three agreements under the purview of WP.29 and invited interested parties to assist the secretariat in this endeavour.

Relates to 1958 Agreement | 1998 Agreement |