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General information and WP.29 highlights for GRB-68
Document GRB-68-04
27 August 2018
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
1. | Adoption of the agenda
14. | Highlights of the March and June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and reorganization of its Working Parties

22. The secretariat reported on the highlights of the March and June 2018 sessions of WP.29. In particular, GRB noted that, following a request of the Inland Transport Committee, WP.29 had decided to convert the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) into a new Working Party “Groupe de Rapporteurs pour les VĂ©hicules Autonomes” (GRVA) and to reallocate some former GRRF activities to other Working Parties. In particular, all GRRF activities on tyres had been passed on to GRB, and the WP.29 programme of work had been modified accordingly. In order to explicitly reflect the new GRB responsibilities on tyre-related issues WP.29 proposed adapting the title of GRB to GRBP (Groupe Rapporteur Bruit et Pneumatiques). A final decision on this point would be taken at the November 2018 session of WP.29.

23. The Chair pointed out that, given the enlarged scope of GRB activities, it would need longer sessions to properly address all items. He requested the secretariat to explore the possibilities of adjusting the WP.29 calendar for 2019.