Proposal to clarify the definition of “Option” and “Module” as used within Global Technical Regulations.
175. AC.3 started discussion on the informal document WP.29-175-27, submitted by the representative of OICA. However, due to the numerous comments and the lack of time, AC.3 requested interested parties to submit their comments directly to the representative of OICA and to resume consideration on the basis of a new document incorporating the comments at its November 2018 session.
153. The representative of OICA introduced WP.29-173-05, “Proposal to amend Special Resolution 2” (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1124). He stated that OICA, representing the global auto industry, re-confirmed its strong support for Special Resolution 2 as an important step towards an improved functioning of the 1998 Agreement.
154. He noted that WP29-173-05 took into account comments made at the June 2017 AC.3 session. He added that his intention was to clarify the concepts of options and alternatives, based on the experience gained in the development of several existing global technical regulations. He emphasized the position of OICA that such clarification would constitute a further improvement and that it would help in the development of new or amended global technical regulations.
155. Due to the lack of time, AC.3 agreed to allocate more time to discuss it at its March 2018 session and to keep it still as an informal document.
164. The representative of OICA introduced WP.29-171-15, Proposal to amend Special Resolution 2 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/65). He stated that OICA, representing the global auto industry, re-confirmed its strong support for Special Resolution 2 being an important step towards an improved functioning of the 1998 Agreement.
165. He noted that WP29-171-15 took into account comments made at the March 2016 AC.3 session, He added that further work could clarify the concepts of alternatives, modules, and options. He emphasized the position of OICA that such clarification would constitute a further improvement and that it would help in the development of new or amended global technical regulations.
166. Due to the lack of time, AC.3 did not conclude on this item but agreed allocate more time for it and to resume its consideration at its June 2017 session. Contracting Parties were invited to prepare their contributions.
147. AC. 3 decided to defer all items envisaged for discussion under this agenda item to the next AC.3 session in March 2017.
148. The representative of OICA invited AC.3 representatives to send to OICA their comments to informal document WP.29-170-33. OICA will include the received comments, revise the informal document accordingly and submit it for the next AC.3 session.
WP.29-170-33 | |
WP.29-171-15 | |
WP.29-173-05 |