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UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 16
Document WP.29/2018/57
9 April 2018

Proposal to add tyre sizes and tyre classification codes common in the United States and standardised by the Tire and Rim Association, but needed under UN Regulation No. 106 in order to permit their type approval in conformity with Regulation EU 167/2013 for imported tyres. The proposal adds kPa marking specifications for use in measurements and tyre testing. The proposal further includes changes to the text and addition of tyre size designations to Annex 5 and Annex 7:

  1. Paragraph 2.33.2 deleted since new tables for IF and VF were added to Annex 7
  2. Paras 3.2., 3.2.2. and 5.4. modified because “tyres submitted for approval” cannot bear an approval mark until approved and the “only” as it is written can be misunderstood. Para. 3.2.2. was aligned to the wording in other UN Regulations. Reference to para. 3.3 in paragraph 5.4. is deleted because paragraph 3.3 does not refer to specific markings
  3. Para 6.1.2. amended to align the wording to the headers in Annex 5 and to correct the reference to the footnote
  4. Para 6.2.1. amended to restore the proper references after renumbering resulting from the latest Supplements
  5. The amendment of Annex 5, Table 5 adds the value for the overall diameter (D) in column (*) that applies to tyres marked with classification code “I-3”
  6. Annex 5, Table 6, Note 1 amended because most of the tyre sizes listed in the table, especially those identified by the “classification code I‐3” (i.e. Traction tread), are currently available in both versions: ‘implement’ to be used on agricultural machinery and ‘IND’ to be used on construction vehicles. The two types of tyres have the same type of size designation and the same dimensions. Therefore some manufacturers identify those tyres with the suffix ‘IND’ rather than with the suffix ‘IMP’ thus applying the variation of load capacity with speed as published in Annex 7 Part E. The reason for this proposal is to avoid a duplication of tables with a new table only replacing the suffix IMP with the suffix IND.
  7. The addition of the footnote to Annex 5, Table 7 answers the request by GRRF to introduce appropriate formulae in the Regulation instead of continuously updating Annex 5.
  8. References in Annex 7 corrected pursuant to the renumbering following the introduction of three new paragraphs in Supplement 15 approved during the 172nd session of WP.29.
  9. Annex 7, Part A amended to conform with Tire and Rim Association specifications for code designated diagonal tyres with speed symbol A8.
The proposal also adds a paragraph to define the purpose of the “SS” marking introduce by the amendments to UN R106 on agricultural and related off-road tyres.

Status: Adopted
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.8.5. Proposal for Supplement 16 to UN Regulation No. 106 (Tyres for agricultural vehicles)
7. (e) Tyres: Regulation No. 106

32. The expert from ETRTO introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/7 (amended by GRRF-86-31) with tyre sizes and tyre classification codes common in the United States of America and standardised by the Tire and Rim Association Inc. and with marking provisions on inflation pressure (for measurements and tests). He also introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/12 as a consolidated version of UN Regulation No. 106, containing ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/7. GRRF adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2018/12 as amended and reproduced in Addendum 2 (based on GRRF-86-42) to the report. GRRF requested the secretariat to submit this amended proposal as draft Supplement 16 to UN Regulation No. 106 to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2018 sessions.

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