Proposal to correct the Russian text of the regulation.
52. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSG-114-18 which proposes to align the Russian text of UN Regulation No. 60 (Driver operated controls for mopeds/motorcycles) with the English version.
53. GRSG adopted the proposed text as reproduced below and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1, for consideration at their November 2018 sessions, as Corrigendum 1 to Revision 1 of UN Regulation No. 60.
Russian version only, paragraph 2.29., correct to read:
2.29 | «Общее пространство» означает участок, на котором могут отображаться, но не одновременно, не менее двух информационных функций (например, условных обозначений). |