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PTI: Report to WP.29 about results of the 8th meeting of Informal Group on Periodical Technical Inspections
Document WP.29-173-06
13 November 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)
7.1. Status of the 1997 Agreement

83. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI, updated the World Forum on the work of the group (WP.29-173-06). He reported to the World Forum on the eighth meeting of the IWG on PTI that was held on 24 October 2017 in Brussels. He explained that the IWG on PTI decided to propose amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/134 under agenda item 7.4 as reproduced in WP.29-173-12. He recalled the proposal made by the representative of Finland and Sweden at the 172nd session of WP.29, that were similar to the earlier proposals presented by the Russian Federation (WP29-147-11 and WP29-165-07) aimed at including PTI relevant provisions in UN Regulations. He mentioned that the group had considerations related to the 1958 Agreement and the new concept “Whole Life Vehicle Compliance” was suggested. He reported on the considerations of the group as a follow-up on the presentation made by the representative of Switzerland on the tampering truck emissions tampering at the June 2017 session of WP.29 and possible benefits of PTI in this context.

7.2. Update of Rules Nos. 1 and 2
23. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement
Relates to 1997 Agreement | PTI Test Centers | PTI Testing Equipment | PTI Training | Rule No. 1 | Rule No. 2 | Rule No. 3 | Rule No. 4 |