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Presentation on road surface labelling for noise
Document GRB-66-05/Add.1
6 September 2017
Submitted by Netherlands
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

22. The expert from the Netherlands presented an update of the project on labelling road surfaces (GRB-67-19), based on the following criteria: skid resistance, noise reduction, rolling resistance and lifespan. GRB recalled its view that labelling road surfaces could only be introduced as a non-legally binding document, e.g. a recommendation or resolution, and its intention to find the most appropriate body to adopt such a document. In this context, the Chair informed GRB about the AC.2 considerations of this issue, at its November 2017 session. The secretariat further reported that the Working Party on Road Transport (SC.1), at its September 2017 session, had indicated that the project was beyond the SC.1 Terms of Reference. The Chair invited the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Chair, secretariat and other interested parties, to draft a recommendation or resolution for consideration at the next session of GRB.

11. Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

25. The expert from the Netherlands presented a project on labelling road surfaces (GRB-66-05 and Add.1) based on the following criteria: skid resistance, noise reduction, rolling resistance and lifespan. He pointed out that labelling road surfaces could contribute to road safety, public health, sustainability and economies. GRB noted that the project mainly addressed passenger cars and that for trucks a solution would still be found.

26. GRB thanked the expert for the presentation and recalled its earlier considerations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/63, para. 24) that labelling road surfaces could only be introduced as a non-legally binding document, such as a recommendation or resolution. The expert from the Netherlands wondered whether a new annex to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) could be an appropriate place for that purpose. GRB also noted that WP.29 and its other subsidiary bodies, like GRRF and GRSG, as well as the Working Party on Road Transport (SC.1) might be interested in pursuing the project and should be consulted. GRB invited its experts to send their contributions, if any, to the expert from the Netherlands and to develop for the next session clear ideas on how to proceed. In the interim, the Chair was requested to brief the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2) on the GRB considerations.

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