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Proposal for amendments to GRRF-83-09 on amending GTR No. 3
Document GRRF-83-10
21 January 2017

Proposal to delete passages under paragraph referring to the “prediction of the vehicle deceleration” since no method for doing so is described in the regulation. Moreover, in a self-certification system, the requirement would have to be met for the actual vehicle deceleration. The proposal also substitutes switching between ABS modes for the terms “disable” and “deactivate” for greater clarity. Lastly, the proposal recommends the use of a clearly specified telltale design to signal the ABS operating status rather than to leave this function open to “…any other equivalent unequivocal indication of the disabled antilock brake system state.”

Submitted by Canada
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (a) Motorcycle braking: Global technical regulation No. 3

18. The expert from Italy introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/15 with provisions aimed at aligning the text of UN GTR No. 3 and UN Regulation No. 78 especially on tri-cycles Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), Emergency Stop Signal and means to disable the ABS function (‘ABS switch’), prepared in collaboration with the expert from IMMA. The expert from Canada answered to the proposal (GRRF-84-10). The expert from Italy presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2017/16 with the report on the activities related to the amendment proposal to UN GTR No.3. The expert from India informed GRRF about regulatory activities in his Country on the obligation to install ABS on new motorcycle with an engine capacity of 125 cm3 and more.

19. GRRF recommended the expert from Italy to keep the draft amendment to GTR No. 3 as harmonized as possible with UN Regulation No. 78 especially with regard to the ABS switch to avoid subsequent amendments to UN Regulation No. 78.

20. The expert from Italy agreed to submit a revised proposal for the February 2018 session of GRRF.

5. (b) Motorcycle braking: Global technical regulation No. 3

24. The expert from Italy introduced GRRF-83-09 proposing to insert in Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 3 (Motorcycle braking) provisions on tri-cycles Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), Emergency Stop Signal and means to disable the ABS function (‘ABS switch’) prepared in collaboration with the expert from IMMA. He informed GRRF on the related discussion at the Executive Committee AC.3 in November 2016 that agreed in principle with the proposal to align GTR No. 3 and Regulation No. 78. The expert from Canada answered to the proposal (GRRF-83-10). The GRRF agreed to resume consideration of these proposals on the basis of an official working document that the experts from Canada and Italy volunteered to prepare.

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