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Quadricycle Safety: How do L7s fare in standard crash tests?
Document WP.29-170-38
16 November 2016

Presentation on Euro NCAP crash testing of very light passenger cars ( ≤ 350 kg or ≤ 550 kg).

Submitted by Euro NCAP and Global NCAP
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. | Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or gtrs into national/regional law

86. The representative of Euro NCAP presented the development and outcome of their crash tests campaign with L7 category vehicles. He stated that four vehicles had been displayed on the grounds of the Palais de Nations in an exposition organized with the support of the secretariat. He presented (WP.29-170-38) the results of crash tests on eight different models of L7 category vehicles and highlighted the reasons why these vehicles received low ratings (between zero and two stars on the five-star scale). He stressed that the crash-worthiness of L7 vehicles was substandard and that more stringent regulations on the safety and the construction of these types of vehicles would be justified.

Relates to UN R94 | UN R95 |