Paragraph 6.5.3. of UN R48 prescribes the use of specific categories of front direction indicators in relation to their distance from the dipped beam headlamp or front fog lamp. However, the text allows categories 1a and 1b to be used at any distance greater than the minimum prescribed for each of them. The present text of UN R6, Annex 1, however, only allows a specific category to be used in the specific range of distance prescribed. Therefore, this proposal deletes the specific requirements in UN R6 and introduces a direct reference to the requirements in UN R48. This proposal effectively eliminates the need for a lower maximum value for the Category 1 front direction indicator than that of the other categories. Therefore, it is proposed to align the maximum luminous intensity value of Category 1 to that of Categories 1a and 1b.
23. The expert from GTB proposed to make a direct reference to Regulation No. 48 on the categories of direction indicators and to align the maximum luminous intensity values for the different categories (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2016/21). Following comments by the experts of EC, Germany, Japan, Italy and UK, the expert from GTB withdrew the proposal for revision.