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Proposal of clarification to UN R129 from the Technical Services Group
Document CRS-59-11
22 June 2016

Proposal to revise paragraph as “Without the anti-rotation device and without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless a visual [or/and] an audible warning signal mechanism is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner.”

Submitted by VTI
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. Work on UN R129 Phase III
7. Proposal of amendment of Phases I and II of UN R129

7.7. Definition of a “Mechanism” (VTI).

The document CRS-59-11e presented by Tommy PETTERSSON (VTI) is coming from TSG group. Today, there is lot of i-size products on the market with visible & audible system to avoid the misuse, but there is also some products with only visible system. As some CRS manufacturer & labs are not in the IG and then does not know the philosophy of the [paragraph], they can then have different point of interpretation. The following proposal from TSG group is made: Without the anti-rotation device and without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless a visual [or/and] an audible warning signal mechanism is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner.

The IG proposes the following [paragraph] (included in CRS-59-11e Rev1) Without the anti-rotation device and / or without the shoulder strap positioner in use, unless:
  • a mechanism or
  • a visual and an audible warning signal

is provided to prevent incorrect use of the anti-rotation device and/or the shoulder strap positioner.

But, finally, the decision of the IG is to split in two different [paragraphs]. Modification will be performed by the Chairman & the Secretary.

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