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Applicability of UN Regulations to trolley buses
Document GRSG-110-08/Rev.1
28 April 2016

Presentation of issues raised during discussions of the GRE Task Force on EMC requirements with regard to the application of several UN Regulations to trolley buses depending upon their configuration (e.g., dual-mode operation either connected to overhead cables or in standard bus mode).

Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. (a) | Proposals for further amendments

6. The expert from Belgium presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2016/5 proposing to remove the new safety prescriptions for trolleybuses from UN Regulation No. 107 and insert them into UN Regulation No. 100 on electric power trained vehicles. The expert from UK raised concerns about the differences in the scopes of both Regulations and their application to trolleybuses. GRSG noted the comments by the Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) about possible alignments of UN Regulations Nos. 107 and 116 with UN Regulation No. 10 on electromagnetic-compatibility (GRSG-110-04). The expert from OICA introduced GRSG-110-08-Rev.1 on the applicability of UN Regulation No. 100 versus Annex 12 of UN Regulation No. 107 with respect to electrical safety provisions. The expert from France explained that the origin of the current problem of trolleybuses was linked to the application of the European Union (EU) legislation on whole vehicle type approval. The expert from Japan informed GRSG about the intention of the Chair of GRE to seek the advice of WP.29 on this subject at the forthcoming session in June 2016. The GRSG Chair questioned the need to also involve the experts of the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) in charge of UN Regulation No. 100. A number of experts expressed their preference to keep the electric safety provisions within UN Regulation No. 107. Thus, GRSG agreed that the experts of the Working Parties concerned should work on a simple solution avoiding further burden for public transport operators. The expert from Belgium volunteered to conduct a more detailed analysis on the compatibility or incompatibility of the scopes and technical provisions for trolleybuses of UN Regulations Nos. 10, 100 and 107.

7. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session in October 2016 awaiting the outcome of the analysis by Belgium. GRSG requested the secretariat to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2016/5 on the agenda as a reference document.

7. (c) | Regulation No. 10 (Electromagnetic compatibility)

29. On behalf of the Task Force on Electromagnetic Compatibility (TF EMC), the expert from OICA reported on the activities of TF EMC (GRE-75-13, GRE-75-18). As a first step, TF EMC clarified the operating modes of trolleybuses and the applicable EMC Regulations or standards. According to Regulation No. 107, trolleybuses are dual-mode vehicles operating either: (a) in the trolley mode, when connected to the overhead contact line (OCL), or (b) in the bus mode when not connected to OCL. When not connected to OCL, they can also be (c) in the charging mode. The expert from OICA pointed out that for mode (a) the railway EMC standard IEC 62236-3-1 was applicable, while for modes (b) and (c) Regulation No. 10 should apply. TF EMC had also identified that, in the bus mode with a diesel engine, other Regulations (e.g. Nos. 13, 49, 51, 89 and 100) could be affected. TF EMC recommended seeking guidance from WP.29 on how to proceed with the treatment of trolleybuses in the framework of various Regulations and WP.29 Working Parties. To this end, the expert from OICA offered to produce an informal document for the June 2016 session of WP.29. He also stated that OICA would submit an informal document on this issue to GRSG and possibly to other WP.29 Working Parties.

30. The experts from France and the Russian Federation were of the view that Regulation No. 10 would be the best place to include the EMC provisions for trolleybuses. The expert from Germany felt that Regulation No. 10 could not be amended to incorporate the railway EMC standards for the trolley mode. The expert from the Russian Federation informed GRE about recent testing of the disturbances caused by trolleybuses and requested exclusion of the low-frequency range from 9 to 150 kHz from consideration, due to the very low level of detected disturbances and expensive measurement equipment required for this range.

31. GRE noted that the Chair would consider asking guidance of WP.29 and/or AC.2 at their June 2016 sessions and decided to continue the discussion at its next session.

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