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Status report of the EVE informal group
Document GRPE-72-23
14 January 2016
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. | Electric Vehicles and the Environment (EVE)

64. The Chair of the IWG on EVE presented a status report (GRPE-72-23) on the ongoing activities on data and information gathering. He informed GRPE about the expected outcome under each of the areas corresponding to Part A of the mandate: (i) a report on the determination of energy consumption as a result of the activities led by China, (ii) a report on battery ageing and durability led by Canada and the United States of America likely to be recommended to be used for the development of a new annex to GTR No. 15 on WLTP, and (iii) recommendations on the development of a new annex to GTR No. 15 on the determination of the power of electric vehicles as result of the activities led by Germany and Korea. He underlined the agreement reached between the IWGs on WLTP and EVE to ensure a proper coordination of work avoiding any duplication and overlap on the area of battery durability. He informed GRPE that the IWG on WLTP would take the lead on the determination of requirements to be applied to aged batteries and other components, whereas the IWG on EVE would concentrate on the determination of ageing techniques.

65. The Chair of GRPE proposed to develop new GTRs instead of annexes to GTR No. 15. He suggested the IWG on EVE to exchange information with the IWG on Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS) under the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) to harmonize battery ageing techniques for safety and environment purposes, if suitable. The expert from Japan volunteered to report on this matter to the IWG on EVS.

66. GRPE noted the intention of the IWG on EVE to submit the results of Part A on data and information gathering as a basis to discuss the way forward at the next GRPE session in June 2016. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the group and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in June 2016.

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