Proposal for the 09 series of amendments to Regulation No. 17
Document GRSP-58-28/Rev.1
10 December 2015

Proposal of draft text to transpose GTR No. 7 (head restraints) into UN R17, including the draft Amendment 1 to GTR 7 addressing use of the BioRID II test dummy, backset measurement method revision, and new head restraint height thresholds.

Submitted by EC and Japan
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. | UN Regulation No. 17

28. Moreover, the expert from Japan introduced GRSP-58-28-Rev.1, proposing to align UN Regulation No. 17 to the provisions of the draft UN GTR No. 7, Phase 2. GRSP agreed to keep GRSP-58-28-Rev.1 as an informal document for its May 2016 session awaiting possible updates.

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