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Outcome of the ACSF informal group discussion on warning/transition times for Category E automated steering systems
Document ACSF-04-18
27 November 2015

Summary of consensus reached during the 4th ACSF informal group session for a 4 second transition time under normal operating conditions and immediate warning under emergency conditions.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5.4. Document ACSF-04-12 and revision

Main content of document from (OICA/CLEPA):
Transition Demand and Minimal Risk manoeuver concepts

The delegates discussed about the values of the timing for Warning, Transition time and Minimal risk manoeuvre. The timing for returning the driving task back to the driver in case of end of the “ACSF-road”, exit from this road or bringing the driver back, if it seems, that he is no more in the situation to resume control in time, are uncritical as the ACSF controlled vehicle is working perfectly. More critical is the timing in case of a sudden, unexpected event and in case of a failure in the system.

The outcome of the discussion is reflected in the new generated document: ACSF-04-18, which is shown below and in an update of the OICA/CLEPA document ACSF-04-12-Rev1.

5.10. Document ACSF-04-12/Rev.1

Main content of document from (OICA):
Purpose of this document is to show the industry concept on Transition Demand (TD) and Minimal Risk Manoeuvre (MRM)

(J):Is expecting 4s as safety aspect
(NL): Confirms (J) statement, 4s is already the minimum.
(Chair): Believes, that development will go on and expects, that until the regulation will get into force, the 4s can be achieved
(J-Chair): OICA and CLEPA to think about the 4s

The final status to this issue is apparent in ACSF-04-18.

5.14.6. Transition demand

(OICA) Presented the document ACSF-04-12-Rev1

Homework: OICA to rework this paragraph using ACSF-04-18 and Japan comments.

9. List of action items

Task List:

ACSF-04-06review this documentOICA
ACSF-04-17 → make a new proposalD + CLEPA Braking) → propose a new text (considering
Annex 7 – 3.1.2 Functionality Test (FU2) → generate a textD
consider document ACSF-04-09 in the next text proposalD
ACSF-04-13"Motorway” Definition → make a new proposalD
5.5.2 (PTI) → prepare the requirements for PTI until the next meetingEC, SE, J, D → rework wordingD and (Driver monitoring) → create a new proposalSE (Transition demand) → rework this paragraph using ACSF-04-18 and Japan commentsOICA

Relates to UN R79 |