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Proposal for amendment to Regulation No. 54
Document GRRF/2016/17
23 November 2015

The current text of UN R54 does not encompass the case where a tyre designed for a “special” application can also fulfil the definition of a “snow” tyre. This proposal would allow for such tyres to be marked with the inscription M+S, M.S, or M&S while remaining in the category of use “special”.

Submitted by France
Status: Superseded
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4.9.4. Proposal for Supplement 21 to the 00 series of amendments to Regulation No. 54

58. Agenda item 4.9.4., in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/52, amend the title of the document to read: “Proposal for Supplement 21 to Regulation No. 54”, amend the title on page 2, to read: “Supplement 21 to Regulation No. 54 (Tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers)”

7. (c) Regulation No. 54

35. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/17 (based on GRRF-80-17) proposing provisions for tyres designed for a “special” application that also fulfil the definition of a “snow” tyre. GRRF requested the secretariat to submit the corrected proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their June 2016 sessions, as part of the draft Supplement 21 to Regulation No. 54.

7. (c) UN Regulation No. 54

41. The expert from France introduced GRRF-80-17 proposing provisions for tyres designed for a “special” application that also fulfil the definition of a “snow” tyre. GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this document with an official symbol at the next session of GRRF.

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