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Proposal for a new global technical regulation on the measurement procedure for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with a combustion engine with regard to the crankcase and evaporative emissions
Document GRPE/2016/2
2 November 2015

Proposal for a new GTR on motorcycle crankcase and evaporative emissions prepared by the Informal Working Group on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR). This draft contains text in square brackets requiring decision-making by the GRPE.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5.2.1. | Proposal for a new UN GTR on the measurement procedure for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with a combustion engine with regard to the crankcase and evaporative emissions
14.1. | Proposal for a new UN GTR on the measurement procedure for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with a combustion engine with regard to the crankcase and evaporative emissions

106. AC.3 agreed to defer this subject to its November 2016 session.

9. (a) | Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category vehicles

59. The Chair of the IWG presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2016/2 on a new GTR on evaporative and crankcase emissions for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with a combustion engine as well as the modifications to the proposal introduced by GRPE-72-13. He introduced the technical report on the development of the new GTR (GRPE-72-06).

60. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2016/2 as amended by Annex VI of the session report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration and vote at their June 2016 sessions as a draft GTR on the measurement procedure for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles equipped with a combustion engine with regard to the crankcase and evaporative emissions. GRPE also adopted the technical report (GRPE-72-06) as reproduced in Addendum 3 to this report and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration and vote at their June 2016 sessions.

5. (a) | Final draft GTR on Evaporative and Crankcase emissions

GRPE-2016-02: No discussion necessary.

EPPR-14-12: Secretary recalled the importance of confirming such document, especially on the controversial open point about 3-wheelers. He suggested taking EPPR-14-15 by IMMA as a basis for review, since it was an improved version of 14-12, with editorial comments highlighted in track changes.

EPPR-14-15 was reviewed in details.

  • Item 2 on 3W vehicles: Japanese (EPPR-14-10) and Indian (EPPR-14-13) comments were reviewed. As proposed by Japan and supported by India and EC, it was agreed to delete complete sub-para. (c) of GRPE-2016-02, para. 19 in Section 1.
  • Item 3 was changed as follows:
    • 24 bis was renamed 25 and all sub-sequent paragraphs were re-numbered.
    • same similar family criteria
    • IMMA editorial improvement was accepted by India, by EC, by Japan.
    • India proposal (highlighted in blue font) was accepted.
    • Item 4 – 14: proposals agreed.

    EPPR-14-16 (IMMA), containing following additional editorial corrections to ensure consistency throughout the document, was agreed upon:

    • 1 Change fuel storage and supply system into fuel storage and delivery system.
      • Justification: To make the wording consistent throughout the gtr.
    • 2 Change Fuel storage tank into Fuel tank
      • Justification: To make the wording consistent throughout the gtr; In line with equal proposals made earlier by China and adopted by other EPPR members.

    EPPR-14-15 and EPPR-14-16 were adopted; will be consolidated in a new informal document amending GRPE-2016-02 and submitted to January 2016 GRPE.
    GRPE-72-06, Technical Report, was agreed upon.
    Secretary explained that compared to previous final draft document (EPPR-14-09e):

    • The ‘authorisation’ was deleted, since the GRPE Secretariat had pointed out that it was not necessary to add the authorisation in the informal document. The ‘authorisation’ will be added by the UNECE Secretariat once the GTR and Tech. Report are adopted.
    • Some adjustments on the paragraph numbering had been made.

    No comments by the group

5. (a) | Evaporative and crankcase emissons
9. (a) | Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for L-category vehicles

44. The Chair of the IWG on EPPR presented a status report (GRPE-71-22) on the activities of the group and, in particular, on the work progress made in the three priority subjects identified and selected for the first stage of work: a draft UN GTR on evaporative and crankcase emissions, a draft UN GTR on on-board diagnostics and an entire revision of UN GTR No. 2. He introduced a first draft of the new UN GTR on evaporative and crankcase emissions (GRPE-71-20) and highlighted some open issues under consideration such as reference fuels, reference to vehicle classes, list of acronyms and symbols, and ageing test procedure. He expressed the intention of the group to submit a proposal with an official symbol at the next GRPE session. He informed GRPE that the group also intended to submit a first draft of the new UN GTR on on-board diagnostics at the next GRPE session. He underlined the need to amend the existing mandate due to the limited time to complete all work. He requested an extension of the timeline until 2020 to be able to finish all topics within the current mandate going beyond the three priority subjects identified for the first stage of work (GRPE-71-21).

45. The expert from the United States of America noted the three different reference fuels and the maximum amount of ethanol to be set. The expert from IMMA recalled the priority agreed upon powered two wheelers, in particular two wheelers with petrol engines, to facilitate the coordination of work. He informed GRPE about some progress made on powered three wheelers. The Chair of GRPE stated that the issue of referencing vehicle classes defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) and the Special Resolution No.1 (S.R.1), as well as the use of the terms “light vehicle” and “light duty vehicle”, needed to be further discussed at the next GRPE session in January 2016.

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