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Proposal for amendments to GTR No. 3
Document GRRF-80-25
16 September 2015

EC responses to IMMA comments (document GRRF-80-13) on the proposal to align the text with the provisions for anti-lock braking systems (ABS) used in other regulations (document GRRF/2015/40).

Submitted by EC
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (a) UN Regulation No. 78
5. (b) Global Technical Regulation No. 3

24. The expert from EC introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2015/40 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2015/41, proposing to clarify the possibility to install means to temporarily reduce or disable the ABS function of motorcycles in certain conditions. The expert from Canada submitted an alternative wording (GRRF-80-19) and recalled that an authorization from the Executive Committee AC.3 for developing an amendment to GTR No. 3 would be required. The proposal received some general comments related to road safety. The expert from IMMA briefly introduced GRRF-80-13 commenting the proposals to which the expert from EC responded (GRRF-80-24 and GRRF-80-25). A majority of experts expressed a specific concern related to condition (f). The expert from EC volunteered to prepare two revised proposals for the [February 2016] session of GRRF.

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