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Draft amendment 1 (01 series of amendments) to UN R129 (Phase 1)
Document CRS-53-03/Rev.1
2 September 2015

Final informal group version of the draft text under preparation by the CRS informal group (for eventual submission as GRSP/2015/9/Rev.1, superseding the original document) to extend the scope of UN R129 to include Non-Integral child restraint systems (“Universal Booster” or “Specific to vehicle Booster”). This version has been prepared in order to reach a definitive agreement on the text to be presented to GRSP.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. Validation of Amendment 1 of ECE R129
6. Work on Amendment 2 of ECE R129 (phase II)

Discussion on vehicle specific testing and fitting requirements: Reworded text is reviewed. Fitment testing is responsibility of OEM. Dynamic testing can be done either on a sled or in car.
Currently the text is not clear enough about who decides if a sled or body in white needs to be used for the dynamic test.

Reiner NETT (TAKATA): so this is basically not different than R44-04 semi-universal, is that true?
Pierre CASTAING (UTAC & chairman): Yes, Example an R3 product, needs a dynamic test in test bench, fitting information leaflet can indicate it is compatible with all vehicles with an R3 seating position. In Phase 2 we need to include into ECE R16 a standard fixture for high back booster (F5 Fixture?) with a width of [500] mm

6.1. Double marking on modular systems
6.5. Internal dimensions
6.6. CLEPA presentation on booster seat width development from Farid BENDJELLAL (BRITAX)
6.7. Presentation of German workshop organised by the German Kindersicherheit Kreiss (“child safety working group”) from Sebastian WEBER (AUDI)
6.8. Cumulative acceleration (3ms) presentation by TASS
4. Draft proposal for GRSP in December session
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