Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 11 | 27 Sep-1 Oct 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 4. (e)

31. The experts from the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets introduced GRVA-11-34, with a presentation of the coalition, its missions and activities, in line with the recommendation of WP.29 (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1159, para. 21).

32. The exert from ISO introduced GRVA-11-13, presenting the activities of the ISO working group developing publicly available specification concerning safety and artificial intelligence for road vehicles. GRVA noted the link with the activities under agenda item 3 and agreed to receive updates at a next session.

33. The expert from ISO introduced GRVA-11-14, providing an overview and guidance of the steps for developing and validating an automated vehicle equipped with a safe automated driving system, considering safety-by-design, verification and validation methods for automated driving as well as cyber security. GRVA also welcomed future updates at next sessions.

34. The expert from ISO introduced GRVA-11-36, providing an update on the activities of ISO on the Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF). He recalled the purpose of these activities, he explained the status of the standard drafting, completing ISO 26262 on functional safety. He detailed how the SOTIF standard currently being develop could support automated vehicles regulations.

GRVA-11-04 Copy of ISO/DIS 21448:2021 provided by the ISO secretariat (pwd protected) (ISO)
GRVA-11-13 ISO PAS 8800 Road Vehicles – Safety and Artificial Intelligence (ISO)
GRVA-11-14 ISO TS 5083 Road Vehicles -Safety for automated driving systems - design verification and validation (ISO)
GRVA-11-34 Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets (Self-Driving Coalition)
GRVA-11-36 Safety of the Intended Functionality: Report on ISO/TC22/SC32/WG8 activities (ISO)