Working Party on General Safety | Session 122 | 12-15 Oct 2021
Agenda Item 4. (c)
UN Regulation No. 158 (Reversing motion)

48. The expert from Japan on behalf of the IWG on VRU-Proxi presented document GRSG-122-17, a proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 158.

49. The expert from OICA presented document GRSG-122-39, a proposal to amend UN Regulation No. 158. The experts from the European Commission, Germany and Japan supported this however, the expert from Japan suggested the proposal be used for technical services to define Type Approval.

50. GRSG considered documents GRSG-122-17 and GRSG-122-39, proposals for amendments to UN Regulation No. 159 and requested the secretariat to issue it as an official document for the 123rd session of GRSG.

GRSG-122-17 UN R158: Proposal for amendments
GRSG-122-39 UN R158: Proposal for amendments (OICA)