World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 184 | 22-24 Jun 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 4.4.
Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement

86. The representative of ETRTO recalled the petition for guidance it submitted to WP.29, at its March 2021 session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1157, para. 65ff), concerning additional documentary requirements that their members had faced in several Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement when importing tyres which had been previously type approved by other Contracting Parties according to UN Regulations (WP.29-183-07). He reiterated the view that such requirements were not in line with the text and spirit of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement and requested WP.29 guidance on the issue. He recalled that WP.29 had invited Contracting Parties to report on issues which could impede the smooth application of mutual recognition at the national level and decided to revert to this matter at the current session, to assess the need for appropriate actions. He added that since the March session of the World Forum, when the concerns were initially raised by ETRTO to WP.29, members of ETRTO had continued to report receiving requests for additional documentation and requests for retesting from local authorities in circumstances where such requests were uncalled for.

87. The delegates from OICA, IMMA and CLEPA restated their support to ETRTO regarding concerns over the proper implementation of the 1958 Agreement, while pointing out that their own members had so far not encountered similar problems.

88. WP.29 reiterated (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145, para. 87) that, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the 1958 Agreement, wheeled vehicles, equipment or parts for which type approvals have been issued by a Contracting Party pursuant to a UN Regulation shall be held to be in conformity with the relevant part of the national legislation of all of the Contracting Parties applying the said UN Regulation. WP.29 highlighted that Contracting Parties applying UN Regulations shall, by mutual recognition, accept for the placement on their markets type approvals granted pursuant to these UN Regulations without requesting any further testing, documentation, certification or marking concerning these type approvals, unless any special provisions within these UN Regulations so permit.

WP.29-183-07 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules (ETRTO)