Working Party on General Safety | Session 121 | 12-16 Apr 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 5. (bis)
UN Regulation No. 55 (Mechanical couplings)

55. The expert from Finland presented a proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 (GRSG-121-06), in order to correct an internal reference within the text.

56. GRSG considered and endorsed document GRSG-121-06 proposing a corrigendum to UN Regulation No. 55, requesting its submission as an official document for consideration at the October 2021 session of GRSG.

57. The secretariat presented a proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 (GRSG-121-42). The secretariat informed GRSG that the respective proposal for a Corrigendum to Revision 2 of UN Regulation No. 55 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/21), adopted at the 177th session of WP.29, had not been notified by the UN Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) because it was interpreted by OLA as a duplication of what was already covered by ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/7. Furthermore, OLA reaffirmed that Revisions of UN Regulations are not considered as authentic treaty texts and therefore corrigenda to Revisions would not be notified by OLA and should be related to authentic texts only. Therefore, the secretariat explained, it was necessary to put forth the proposal contained in document GRSG-121-42, in order to amend UN Regulation No. 55 as proposed and adopted by WP.29 within document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/21.

58. GRSG considered document GRSG-121-42, proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series and 02 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 55, and requested the secretariat to submit it as an official document to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at its November 2021 sessions, with prior reconfirmation at the October 2021 session of GRSG.

GRSG-121-06 UN R55: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 for the 02 series of amendments (Finland)
GRSG-121-42 UN R55: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series and Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments