Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 83 | 1-4 Jun 2021
Web conference

GRPE has organized a workshop on on low- and zero-emissions heavy duty vehicles regulatory needs concurrent with this session. The workshop aims to explore the potential regulatory needs that could emerge with the wider adoption of alternative powertrains for heavy duty trucks and buses.

Agenda Item 13.
Lifetime compliance

60. The representative from the Netherlands, co-chair of the IWG on Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI), introduced GRPE-83-24 introducing a new PTI particle test for Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) in the Netherlands from 1 July 2022. The representative from Norway asked if such test would also be appropriate for heavy-duty vehicles. The co-chair of the IWG on PTI clarified that the test procedure would also be appropriate for heavy duty vehicles, but that a different limit value would need to be determined. He added that, to date, the issue of DPF removal for trucks was much more limited than for light duty vehicles.

61. The representative from Spain asked whether the limit value was determined at low or high idle. The co-chair of IWG on PTI replied that the limit value was determined at low idle, but high idle values were expected to be at similar levels. He directed to the background report detailing the procedure that was available on the New Periodic Technical Inspection (NPTI) website.

62. The representative from CITA underlined a similar program was on-going with 500 vehicles (among which 50 heavy duty vehicles) to be finalized in Jan 2023. The representative from the EC said the EC was closely looking at the issue and asked GRPE to keep this topic on the agenda for the January 2022 session of GRPE for further updates. The Chair suggested such a test could be included into the Rule 1 to the 1997 Agreement as an optional procedure.

63. GRPE agreed to keep this topic on the agenda for forthcoming sessions of GRPE, and to reflect where such procedures could be inserted.

64. The Secretary from GRVA introduced GRPE-83-27 on an introduction to RxSWIN to inform GRPE about application to UN Regulation No. 156 into other UN Regulations. The Chair thanked the secretariat for introducing the topic to GRPE and proposed GRPE to reflect on potential applications in GRPE-related legal texts.

65. The representative from the Netherlands introduced GRPE-83-25 introducing an excerpt from the Dutch contribution to future regulatory process in Europe and how life compliance was a shared responsibility between car manufacturers, owners and legislators. The representative from OICA stated that On-Board Monitoring was not technically feasible today, as that remained a vision for the future.

GRPE-83-24 PPM: Introduction in the Netherlands of the new PTI particle test for DPFs (Netherlands)
GRPE-83-25 Netherlands position on the approach on future emission standards with focus on lifetime compliance (Netherlands)
GRPE-83-27 RxSWIN : Short introduction to RX Software Identification Number